GPTZero - 소개

GPTZero - The Ultimate AI Tool for ChatGPT, GPT-4, & More

GPTZero - 소개

GPTZero is the trusted AI detector for ChatGPT, GPT-4, and more, offering solutions for teachers, students, writers, recruiters, and cybersecurity professionals. With a focus on detecting AI-generated content, GPTZero provides accurate identification of AI models like ChatGPT, GPT-4, Google-Gemini, LLaMa, and others. The platform offers various products such as the Origin Chrome extension, Human Writing Report, API integration, Canvas Integration, Microsoft Word Add-on, and Plagiarism Checker to cater to different user needs.

GPTZero stands out as the leader in AI detection, incorporating cutting-edge research and technology to ensure precise and reliable results. With a commitment to providing users with trustworthy AI detection tools, GPTZero's advanced features and benchmarking partnerships with institutions like Penn State showcase its dedication to excellence in the field. Whether you are an educator, writer, recruiter, or cybersecurity professional, GPTZero offers the tools and resources to detect and analyze AI-generated content effectively.