GPTZero Discover the most advanced AI detector for ChatGPT, GPT-4, and Gemini with GPTZero. Covered by over 100 media outlets, this tool allows you to check up to 50,000 characters for AI plagiarism in seconds. Explore the power of AI, Natural Language Processing, and GPT-3 for efficient text generation.

GPTZero - The Ultimate AI Tool for ChatGPT, GPT-4, & More

GPTZero -Introduction

GPTZero is the trusted AI detector for ChatGPT, GPT-4, and more, offering solutions for teachers, students, writers, recruiters, and cybersecurity professionals. With a focus on detecting AI-generated content, GPTZero provides accurate identification of AI models like ChatGPT, GPT-4, Google-Gemini, LLaMa, and others. The platform offers various products such as the Origin Chrome extension, Human Writing Report, API integration, Canvas Integration, Microsoft Word Add-on, and Plagiarism Checker to cater to different user needs. GPTZero stands out as the leader in AI detection, incorporating cutting-edge research and technology to ensure precise and reliable results. With a commitment to providing users with trustworthy AI detection tools, GPTZero's advanced features and benchmarking partnerships with institutions like Penn State showcase its dedication to excellence in the field. Whether you are an educator, writer, recruiter, or cybersecurity professional, GPTZero offers the tools and resources to detect and analyze AI-generated content effectively.

GPTZero -Features

Product Features of GPTZero


GPTZero is a trusted AI detector designed to identify AI-generated content from models like ChatGPT, GPT-4, Google-Gemini, LLaMa, and more. It offers cutting-edge technology and reliable detection capabilities to help users distinguish between human and AI-generated text.

Main Purpose and Target User Group

  • For teachers: Build trust with students by ensuring authenticity in writing assignments.
  • For students: Tools to enhance writing skills and prevent plagiarism accusations.
  • For writers: Enhance writing quality and maintain authenticity.
  • For recruiters: Conduct interviews with humans, not AI models.
  • For cyber security: Protect against AI-generated cyber attacks.
  • For ML engineers: Train models with authentic human content.

Function Details and Operations

  • Origin Chrome Extension: Scan for AI content while browsing the internet.
  • Human Writing Report: Generate a report from Google Docs to verify human writing.
  • API Integration: Seamlessly integrate AI detection capabilities into existing tools.
  • Canvas Integration: Assist institutions in accurately identifying AI-generated content.
  • Microsoft Word Add-on: Tools to enhance writing quality and prevent plagiarism.

User Benefits

  • Enhanced trust and authenticity in writing assignments.
  • Improved writing skills and prevention of false accusations.
  • Reliable detection of AI-generated content.
  • Protection against AI-generated cyber threats.
  • Seamless integration with existing tools and workflows.

Compatibility and Integration

  • Compatible with various platforms and tools for seamless integration.
  • Offers API integration for organizations to leverage AI detection capabilities.

Customer Feedback and Case Studies

  • TechCrunch review: GPTZero recognized as the best AI checker for accurate classification of AI-generated text.
  • Testimonials from users highlighting the accuracy and reliability of GPTZero in detecting AI content.

Access and Activation Method

  • Users can create a free account on the GPTZero website to access AI detection tools.
  • Chrome Extension "Origin" allows users to scan web content for AI-generated text.
  • Premium plans offer advanced features such as deep scan and multilingual AI detection.

By leveraging GPTZero, users can confidently detect and differentiate between human and AI-generated content, ensuring authenticity and trust in various writing assignments and content.

GPTZero -Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is GPTZero?

GPTZero is the leading AI detector designed to check whether a document was written by a large language model such as ChatGPT. It can detect AI on sentence, paragraph, and document levels, and has been trained on a diverse corpus of human-written and AI-generated text, with a focus on English prose.

How do I use GPTZero?

Simply paste the text you want to check or upload your file, and GPTZero will provide an overall detection for your document along with sentence-by-sentence highlighting of AI-detected sentences. To access the full power of the AI detector for larger texts or batch file scanning, sign up for a free account on our Dashboard.

When should I use GPTZero?

GPTZero is useful in identifying AI-generated text in various contexts such as education, certification, hiring, social writing platforms, and more. It is particularly effective in classifying AI use in prose and can be used to initiate conversations and raise awareness about the risks associated with AI in written work.

Does GPTZero only detect ChatGPT outputs?

No, GPTZero is robust across a range of AI language models including ChatGPT, GPT-4, GPT-3, GPT-2, LLaMA, and services based on these models.

Why choose GPTZero over other detection models?

GPTZero is recognized as the most accurate AI detector by independent sources like TechCrunch. We continuously improve our technology and focus on finetuning for student writing and academic prose, resulting in higher accuracies for this specific use-case.

What are the limitations of the classifier?

The accuracy of the model varies based on the length and nature of the text submitted. Educators are advised to use Writing Reports as part of a holistic assessment of student work and consider the context in which AI detection is applied.

How can educators reduce the risk of AI misuse?

Educators can help students understand the risks of using AI in their work, create assignments that challenge AI capabilities, and assess student work through methods that emphasize human expression and understanding.

What should educators do upon detecting AI-generated text by students?

Educators should consider the context, request artifacts of the writing process, and look for patterns of AI use before taking action. GPTZero's Writing Reports can provide insights into the authenticity of student work and help educators make informed decisions.

What data did GPTZero train its model on?

GPTZero's model is trained on millions of documents across various writing domains, including creative writing, scientific writing, blogs, and news articles. The model is tested on diverse sets of human and AI articles to ensure robust performance.

Are API call data stored by GPTZero?

No, GPTZero does not store or collect documents passed into API calls. However, data from calls made through the dashboard is aggregated for service improvement purposes.

How do I interpret the results from GPTZero's API?

The API returns document classifications, probabilities, and confidence categories to indicate the likelihood of AI-generated content. Sentence highlighting is also provided for detected AI-written sentences.

How can I contact GPTZero for further assistance?

For any additional questions or support, you can reach out to our customer service team at

GPTZero -Data Analysis

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