Course Hero Access millions of Study Resources, Course Notes, Test Prep, 24/7 Homework Help, Tutors, and more with Course Hero. Learn, teach, and study effectively to get unstuck.

Course Hero - Study Resources, Test Prep, Homework Help, Tutors

Course Hero -Introduction

Course Hero is a platform designed to help students excel in their academic endeavors. By providing a wide range of study resources, including AI-powered answers, explanations, and recommendations, Course Hero aims to support students in their learning journey. Users can easily upload their study documents and receive assistance from expert tutors 24/7. The platform offers step-by-step explanations, study recommendations, and one-click tutor help to enhance the learning experience. Additionally, Course Hero allows students to explore questions asked by other students and solved by verified experts, enabling a collaborative and interactive learning environment. With a focus on academic integrity and providing valuable study tools, Course Hero strives to empower students to succeed in their courses and achieve their educational goals.

Course Hero -Features

Product Features of Course Hero


Course Hero is an online platform that offers study resources, test prep materials, homework help, and access to tutors. It provides a wide range of educational tools to assist students in their academic endeavors.

Main Purpose and Target User Group:

The main purpose of Course Hero is to help students enhance their learning experience by providing them with study resources, test preparation materials, and expert tutoring assistance. The platform is designed to cater to students of all levels, from high school to college and beyond.

Function Details and Operations:

  • AI Chat with PDFExpert: Users can engage in AI-powered chat to receive answers, explanations, recommendations, and one-click tutor help.
  • Study Resources: Users can upload study documents to access step-by-step explanations, recommendations, and expert tutoring help.
  • Find Course Materials: Users can explore study materials specific to their school and course to aid in their academic success.
  • Expert Tutors: Users can get 24/7 help from verified experts on various subjects and topics.

User Benefits:

  • Access to a wide range of study resources and test prep materials.
  • Expert tutoring assistance available round the clock.
  • AI-powered chat for quick answers and explanations.
  • Seamless integration with school-specific course materials.

Compatibility and Integration:

Course Hero is compatible with various devices and operating systems, making it accessible to users across different platforms. It seamlessly integrates with school-specific course materials to provide a tailored learning experience.

Customer Feedback and Case Studies:

Course Hero has received positive feedback from users who have found the platform helpful in improving their academic performance. Case studies showcase how students have benefited from the study resources, test prep materials, and expert tutoring available on Course Hero.

Access and Activation Method:

Users can access Course Hero by visiting the website and creating an account. Upon registration, users can upload study documents, ask questions, and engage with expert tutors to enhance their learning experience.

Course Hero -Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Course Hero?

Course Hero is an online platform that provides study resources, test prep materials, homework help, and access to expert tutors to help students succeed academically.

2. How can Course Hero help me with my studies?

Course Hero offers a wide range of study resources, including step-by-step explanations, recommendations, and one-click tutor help. You can upload your study documents or type your questions to get AI-powered answers and assistance.

3. Can I find materials specific to my course and school on Course Hero?

Yes, Course Hero allows you to find course materials tailored to your school and course. You can explore study help shared by students from various schools and access documents uploaded by other students.

4. Are the study materials on Course Hero verified?

Yes, Course Hero provides study materials that have been solved and verified by expert tutors. You can access questions recently asked by students and solved by verified experts in various subjects.

5. How can I get help from expert tutors on Course Hero?

You can get 24/7 help from expert tutors on Course Hero by asking questions and receiving explanations from them. The platform also offers AI Chat with PDF feature to assist you with your academic queries.

6. Is Course Hero affiliated with any colleges or universities?

No, Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. It is an independent platform designed to support students in their academic endeavors.

7. How can I contact Course Hero for further assistance?

You can reach out to Course Hero through the Contact Us section on their website. For more information on their services, you can visit the FAQ page or provide feedback through the available channels.

8. How does Course Hero ensure academic integrity and honor code compliance?

Course Hero upholds strict Terms of Use, Copyright Policy, and Honor Code to maintain academic integrity on the platform. Users are expected to adhere to these guidelines while using the study resources and interacting with expert tutors.

Course Hero -Data Analysis

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Visits Over Time

Traffic Sources

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  • referrals:
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  • search:
  • paidReferrals:
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